Over the last couple of years the Baylin Development & Residents Association carried out enhancement work on the Baylin Bog Trail thanks to Just Transition Funding and great support from Westmeath County Council. This has now become a popular walking route for the public as it links to Baylin village by a new footpath which was also provided by this local committee.

The next piece of the jigsaw was the provision of a boardwalk along the side of the Carn Park Bog to link this Baylin trail up with Carn Park Forest Trail. To achieve this the local Baylin group applied for funding for a feasibility study under the Outdoor Recreational Infrastructural Scheme and they were delighted when they were awarded same. It is fantastic to have such a very progressive and active group in this area, stated Cllr. Keena.
I would also like to sincerely thank Westmeath County Council for taking this exciting development project to the next level which has resulted with this Part 8 coming before the elected members for consideration. The benefits of this boardwalk will reach out to the entire community. For instance, from an educational point of view students from both Baylin and Mount Temple National schools and indeed others will have an opportunity to walk out on to the bog to view and learn about bog flora and fauna, from a community perspective it will provide a fabulous extended walking route which will help with physical fitness and wellbeing for everyone, said Cllr. Keena.

Cllr. Frankie Keena stated that he is delighted to propose the adoption of the Part 8 planning for this project which includes a 367 meter raised boardwalk linking the Baylin Bog Trail and the Carn Park Forest Trail and it also incorporates an upgraded gravel surface of approximately 627 meters. The provision of this link boardwalk will create a loop route extending to 6.5km in length in total, including a safe crossing at Baylin NS for students and the public.
Additional work incorporated with this project includes the provision of a safe zone around Baylin National School.