After been contact by Westmeath County Council’s Heritage Officer to carry out a wrought iron gate project in the area, Cllr. Frankie Keena stated that it was fantastic to see so many heritage groups and individuals stretching from Kilbeggan to Rathowen to Athlone participating in the project. The project consisted of locating, recording and photographing these amazing gates for the benefit of present and future generations.
The workmanship carried out by those talented Blacksmiths in making these gates was just amazing. It is very interesting to study the rails, finials, braces, latches, etc of these gates. Most gates had a special mark on them signifying who the Blacksmith was who made them. All our meetings were held in Baylin NS which were facilitated by Shem Caulfield with the assistance of Melanie McQuade Heritage Officer.
This study and research of these gates was showcased in Dun Na Si, Moate during National Heritage Week 2023.